in Snoring Beauty, an irate fairy nearly dooms Princess Drachmina Lofresca Malvolio Margarine (er, you can just call her Marge) to death by pie-wagon, but a half-deaf fairy (Tintinnitus) saves her with a salvaged wish. instead, Marge turns into a sleeping dragon who can only be awoken by a quince. in the meantime, the village suffers. Marge is good at everything, thanks to the fairy wishes at her christening – and that includes snoring, on a dragon scale. in the end, a Quince does in fact save her from permanent slumber (and the gentry from permanent hearing loss), although he quickly finds that some things never change... yet love endures, and the couple lives happily (if noisily) ever after.
i have so much fun with the voices in this book, it's almost embarrassing.
the author, Bruce Hale, is an actor and Fulbright Scholar in storytelling. the illustrator, Howard Fine, also makes people smile as a dentist in his other life (you may also know him as the illustrator of Deb Lund's dinosaur books).
more fractured fairytale fun on this blog:
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i'm still working on my fractured fairy tales for these two books. now i'll have to add a third. have one of your own? send it to me!

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