1 : to give up the enjoyment or advantage of : do without
2 : archaic : forsake
— for·go·er noun
we're all selfish. until i had kids, i didn't realize just how selfish i was. but i do remember and appreciate the lessons in empathy and an expanded worldview that my own parents instilled in me from a young age (think: singing at the nursing home, putting quarters in the orange fish...).
those tangible expressions of giving are still vital. and in today's wired world, the lessons can take a unique twist. one of the fresh ways to give is a new app called Forgo. with Forgo, you choose to bypass an impending purchase – say, that McDonald's snack wrap or Redbox rental – and instead put the money you would have spent toward the latest Forgo project.
the nonprofit focuses on childhood hunger, orphan care, freeing women from sexual slavery, and bringing clean water to needy communities. this isn't just some amorphous sense of feeding the hungry, but actually purchasing an equivalent amount of 16-cent meals to put on a container ship to Zimbabwe. as a recovering cynic (who is trying to raise optimistic children), that attention to results means something to me.

and, to be honest, thinking about what it means to forgo a want to fulfill another's need has got my mind's wheels spinning plenty these days, too.

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